
Our company's top priority is the satisfaction of our customers. This is guaranteed by the extraordinarily high level of identification and the above-average commitment of our team in all areas of our company, which is practiced on a daily basis.

In order to take advantage of the external view of our processes, we regularly optimize our processes with the aim of continuous improvement, accompanied by RAUSCHENBERGER EXPERT PARTNERS.

In 2014, we had our quality management certified by TÜV Nord for the first time.

Today, all company-relevant processes are certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, guaranteeing our customers process reliability and flawless product quality.

In order to reflect our special expertise in the field of welding in our quality management, we have also had this area of the company certified by TÜV Nord. Welding is considered a special process in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001. In order to document compliance with the requirements of the standard for the special welding process, we meet the comprehensive requirements of DIN EN ISO 3834-2.